
Hur hanterar man ett vikande stödhjul?


General information about refunds

We Register Refunds in Exigo on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, between the 1st and the 24th of every month.

We aim to complete a Refund within 7 working days, from registration in the Refund form to paying out the money to the Customer or Partner. This might take longer during monthly closing.

Usually, a Nets/Adyen refund is registered and paid to the C/P the same day it is being processed.

Bank Payments and other payment methods can take a few more days to be fully processed.

When a refund order is created in Exigo the order gets status Pending. Once we have refunded the money, the status is manually changed to Shipped. This lets you know if the order has been fully refunded or not.

You should always direct you questions about Refunds to 2nd line.

Note! The exception is if you have sent refund excel directly to economy to be refunded by them. Ex wrong payments.

Checklist before sending in refund request:

  • Is the Customer/Partner entitled to a refund? If yes, under which of the above-mentioned scenarios?
  • Are all returning products unused etc.?
  • Should the return freight be reduced from the refund? Have we sent a return label to the customer, ordered pickup, or has the return freight been paid by the customer?
  • Should we cancel the recurring order?
  • Fill in Refund Form if the refund is ready to be processed.
  • Write history in Exigo admin.
  • Note that this procedure applies to EU and that you need to verify the details in case of AUS, US, HK and WMA Life with their local support.

Read about:

1. Refunds for Regretted purchase within 30 days - CUSTOMER (And Partners within their first 30 days from registration)

2. PARTNER - Refunds for Regretted purchase AFTER 30 days 

3. PARTNER - Refund within 12 months - in connection with cancellation of Partner position

Calculation if a Customer/Partner (within 30 days) used any products in the start kit:

If a customer/partner has used any products in the start kit, then they need to pay full price for these items.

Remember to double check if the customers test from the start kit has been sent to the partner!

Full price = Retail price (see the price list)

'Refund team' always does a second calculation to see that it is counted correctly. This means that if you have filled out wrong amount in the file to refund, we will edit and refund the amount according to our calculations. Therefor never promise a certain amount to be refunded to C/P before you are 100% sure that you have calculated it correctly

1. Refunds for Regretted purchase within 30 days - CUSTOMER (And Partners within their first 30 days from registration)

The 30 days starts counting from when the Customer or Partner has received their delivery. After we have received the notice of regretted purchase and sent a return label to the customer, the customer has 14 days to hand over the package to the carrier.

ALL partner registrations are considered as a Customer registration within the first 30 days from payment date. This means that they are protected by the Consumer Purchases Act (Konsumentköpslagen).

Refund within 30 days from registration to all Countries is: 100% minus Return freight (1 normal freight cost). 

  • Applies to all Start kit and shopping cart orders.
  • They can get a 100% refund of their returned products, calculated from what they paid.
  • Products that are not returned get withdrawn by their retail price.
  • Freight cost is not paid back.

DS always terminates customers and partners who do not have other start kit purchased on their ID (we assume they want to close the account).

 NOTE! Partners can get exception to not be terminated, but only if they specifically request it, make a note in account history then.

Exceptions when we refund 100% (with no deduction for the freight cost) are orders with:

  • Valitor (Iceland)
  • Best Lizings (Latvia)
  • Liisi (Estonia)
  • Refunds – Blocked accepted orders

2. PARTNER - Refunds for Regretted purchase AFTER 30 days 

A Partner is counted as a partner 30 days after registration or when they have started to earn commissions.

Refund after 30 days from purchase/ repayment of start kit/shopping cart order and Z4F kits to all Countries is: 100% minus Delivery & Return freight* (2 regular freight costs).

  • Applies to Start kits/Shopping cart orders and Z4F kits.
  • They get a 100% refund of their returned products.
  • Products that are not returned get withdrawn by their Premium price.

*Zinzino has the right to withdraw both delivery & return freight from a partner.

Exceptions when we refund 100% (with no deduction for the freight cost) are orders with:

  • Valitor (Iceland)
  • Best Lizings (Latvia)
  • Liisi (Estonia)
  • Refunds – Blocked accepted orders

3. PARTNER - Refund within 12 months - in connection with cancellation of Partner position

NOTE! Partner who wants to CANCEL their position and return products after the first 30 days, can do so.

They are entitled to a 90%* refund of the paid price on returned goods purchased from ZINZINO, if the termination of the contract/position takes place within 12 months after receiving first order.

To be entitled to a refund:

  • The Products must be unused.
  • Not opened or tampered with in any way.
  • Not passed the expiry date
  • Must still be marketed by Zinzino in its catalogues.

*NOTE! The sum may differ per country, check your country’s partner contract (Paragraph 20), in some countries we refund 100%.


  • We need cancellation letter, confirmation that web account is emptied, and that invoices for bookkeeping are printed.
  • Applies for Start kits/Shopping cart orders and Z4F kits.
  • They get a 90% refund of their returned products.
  • Products that are not returned get withdrawn by their Retail price.
  • Freight cost is never refunded. We withdraw both delivery & return freight.

Refunds for freight costs – Free freight due to Balance App

You are allowed to refund the freight cost to the customer if the customer paid freight accidentally due to a manual error was created by staff or the system. 

BUT keep in mind that if there are several orders/freights to refund, ALWAYS ask the customer first, if you can send out some products for the amount instead of doing a refund.

If not, fill out the file ´Refunds to 2nd line´ as usual.


Withdraw Cash bonus:

If you end a subscription (before 6 months) in connection with a refund, you don´t need to withdraw cash bonus from the partner. It's automated when 'Refund team' processes the refund.

Refunds for auto orders that are unclaimed (for non committed orders):

If a partner or customer never collected their package they have 30 days to regret the purchase and get refund for the order. If they have several unclaimed packages sent in return, no refund is approved for these. You can only offer to send them out again.

Refund to all Countries is:

Customers: 100% - Return freight (1 freight cost depending on ship method).

Partners: 100% - Delivery & Return freight* (2 times freight cost depending on ship method)

Refunds for auto orders that never been sent out (blocked for katoen and non bounded):

If a partner or customer has several orders that Zinzino didn't ship due to Blocked for Katoen status they can claim refund for all those orders if the order is not within a bounded period/subscription.

Guide taggad med: stödhjul
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